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Compliance of a Garment Factory

Compliance of a Garment Factory


Compliance of a Garment Factory


Compliance means conformity of certain standard. PPC maintain a moderate working condition for their employees. Though it is well established project, there is some lacking of proper compliance issues.

List of compliance Issues of a Garment Factory

Here is the list of compliance in which some point is maintained fully and some are partially.

  1. Valid factory license
  2. Approved building plan
  3. Fire license
  4. Boiler license
  5. Boiler attendant competency training
  6. Environment license
  7. Drinking water test report
  8. Lab test report of industrial waste water
  9. Security policy
  10. Health and safety committee
  11. Compensation for holiday
  12. Leave with wages
  13. Health register
  14. Time care
  15. Accident record
  16. Work men register
  17. Equal emulations
  18. National festival holiday
  19. Weekly holiday & fund
  20. Overtime register
  21. Labor welfare
  22. Sexual harassment policy
  23. Child labor abolition policy
  24. Anti-discrimination policy
  25. Buyer code of conduct.

Health Issues of a Garment Factory

  1. Drinking water at least 4.5l/day/employee
  2. Cup availability
  3. Drinking water supply
  4. Water cooler, heater available in canteen
  5. Drinking water signs in Bangle and English located minimum 20 feet away from work place
  6. Drinking water vassal clean at once in week
  7. Water reserve at least once a week
  8. Water center in charge person with cleanliness


  1. Separate toilet for women and men
  2. A seat with proper privacy and lock facility
  3. Urinal accommodation
  4. Effective water sewage system
  5. Soap toilet
  6. Water tap
  7. Dust bins
  8. Toilet white washed one in every four month
  9. Daily cleaning log sheet
  10. No—smoking signs
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen toilet signs both in bangle and English
  12. Disposal of waters and effluent

Fire Safety Issues of a Garment Factory

  1. Sufficient fire extinguisher and active
  2. Access area without hindrance
  3. Fire signs in both languages
  4. Fire certified personal photo
  5. Emergency exit

Safety guard

  1. Mental glows on good conditions
  2. Rubber mats & irons
  3. Ironers wearing sleepers
  4. First aid box one
  5. First trained employees
  6. Motor needle guard
  7. Eye guard
  8. Nurse
  9. Doctor
  10. Medicine
  11. Medicine issuing register
  12. Welfare officer
  13. Room temperature
  14. Lighting facilities


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