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Fibre Content / Composition Test

Fibre Content / Composition Test

Salima Sultana Shimo
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Salima Sultana Shimo

Lecturer in Dept. of Industrial & Production Engineering at Bangladesh University of Textiles
Former Lecturer at Daffodil International University

Fibre Content / Composition Test

Analysis of fibre content:

  1. Qualitative analysis
  2. Quantitative analysis (for blended material)

Qualitative analysis

  1. By Flame/burn test
  2. By solubility test

Reaction of Fibres to Flame

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Solubility of Fibres (Method-AATCC 20-2000)



P=Plastic mass formed

S/P=Soluble/Plastic mass formed

N=Nylon 6 is soluble but Nylon 6/6 is insoluble

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Quantitative analysis of different fibres in common blend:

A blend contains two fibres:

  1. B


Percentage amount of ‘A’ fibre in the blend=PA

Percentage amount of ‘B’ fibre in the blend=PB

Total dry weight or initial weight of the material= x Dry weight of fibre ‘B’ (after dissolving ‘A’) = y

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Practice math:

  1. A sample of 60/40 p/c blended fabric gives an oven dry weight of 15 gm after dissolving with 70% sulphuric acid. Find the total weight of the sample.
  2. A sample of 25/75 p/c blended fabric gives an oven dry weight of 23 gm after dissolving with 70% sulphuric acid. Find the total weight of the sample.
  3. A sample of T/C blended fabric shows 20gm in electric balance. Find out the oven dry weight after dissolving with m-cresol. Given that percentage of cotton in the blend is 30%.
  4. A blend of Cotton/Silk sample contains 25 gm. A solvent of Sulphuric acid (59.5%) is used at 20oC for 20 min to separate them. After dissolving one of them the dried solid mass gives 10 gm. If the protein content of the blend shows a value of 45% in the blend, find out the original weight of the other content.
  5. A sample of blended fabric contains an animal fibre and a manmade fibre and shows 15 gm in electric balance. Find out the oven dry weight of animal fibre after dissolving with Dimethyl formamide. Given that percentage of manmade fibre in the blend is 30% and the animal fibre can be dissolved in Sodium Hypochlorite. Identify the two fibres.
  6. A sample of blended fabric shows 25gm in electric balance contains two fibres ‘a’ and ‘b’. A solvent of Sulphuric acid (59.5%) or 5% Sodium hypochlorite is used at 20oC for 20 min to separate them. If the ‘a’ fibre content of the blend shows a value of 45% in the blend, find out the original weight of the other content which could be dissolved in 100%   m-cresol. Find out the name of fibres too.
  7. A  Acrylic/wool blended fabric shows an oven dry weight of 0.05 ounce after treating with 5% Sodium hypochlorite solution at room temperature. If the protein fibre content was 40% in the blend, then find the initial weight of fabric sample taken.


Salima Sultana Shimo
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Salima Sultana Shimo

Lecturer in Dept. of Industrial & Production Engineering at Bangladesh University of Textiles
Former Lecturer at Daffodil International University
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