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Yarn Testing

Graphical Representation of Mass Variations

Graphical Representation of Mass Variations Graphical representations are aimed at providing easy analysis possibilities as well as providing more complete information than the numerical estimates. The following graphical representations are common with the latest generation evenness testers. Spectrogram  3D Spectrogram  Variance Length Curve  3D Variance Length Curve  Normal Diagram  Cut Length Diagram  Histogram Spectrogram The […]

Cost Saving in Cotton Spinning: Energy Efficiency and Innovative Solutions

Yarn Evenness II It’s Classification

Yarn Evenness & It’s Classification Evenness, Unevenness, regularity, and irregularity are common terms used to describe the degree of uniformity of a textile product. In the textile field, the uniformity of products like the lap, sliver, roving or yam is expressed in terms of evenness or regularity or in terms of unevenness or irregularity. A […]

Cost Saving in Cotton Spinning: Energy Efficiency and Innovative Solutions

Methods of Evenness Testing

The optical method measures the variations in diameter of a yarn and not in its mass. The instrument an infra-red transmitter and two identical receivers. The yarn passes at speed through one of the beams, blocking a portion of the light to the measuring receiver. The intensity of this beam is compared with that measured by the reference receiver and from the difference in intensities a measure of yarn diameter is obtained.

Cost Saving in Cotton Spinning: Energy Efficiency and Innovative Solutions