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Maintenance | Maintenance of Machinery | Flow Chart of Maintenance


Maintenance | Maintenance of Machinery | Flow Chart of Maintenance

Maintenance : 

Maintenance is a procedure by means of which we can maintain active functioning in operation according to the behavior and utility of particular element. Maintenance can also be defined as the process of systematic activities done for keeping the m/c or equipment at the heat level for well run or its proper services. In engineering we use this terminology for maintaining smooth and uninterrupted performance of machines, tools and metallurgical characteristics in practical use

Objectives of Maintenance : 

  1. To keep the factory plants, equipments, machine tools in an optimum working condition.
  2. To ensure specified accuracy to product and time schedule of delivery to customer.
  3. To keep the downtime of machines to the minimum thus to have control over the production program.
  4. To keep the production cycle within the stipulated range.
  5. To modify the machine tools to meet the need for production Ø To minimize the idle time resulting from the machinery break down.
  6. To ensure best possible level of quality of product.
  7. To reduce the cost.
  8. To maintain m/c equipment at optimum operation speed & production efficiency.
  9. To ensure specified accuracy to product and time schedule of delivery to customer.

Maintenance of Machinery :

Maintenance | Maintenance of Machinery | Flow Chart of Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance : 

Preventive maintenance is a predetermined routine actively to ensure on time inspection / checking of facilities to uncover conditions that may lead to production break downs or harmful description.

Break Down Maintenance : 

In this case, repairs are made after the equipment is out of order and it can not perform its normal functions. Such a thing could be used when the equipment failure does not significantly affect the production or generate any significant loss other than the repair cost.

Routine Maintenance : 

Maintenance of different machines are prepared by expert engineer of maintenance department. Normally in case of dyeing machine maintenance after 30 days complete checking of different important parts are done.

Maintenance  Tools / Equipments & Their Function : 

Maintenance tools/equipments Functions
1. Adjustable wrench Used for setting nut & bolts
2. Pipe Spanner For pipe fitting
3. Spanner Fixed Spanner for nut & bolts fitting
4. Socket Handle system for nut & bolt fitting
5. hammer To apply load where required
6. Screw driver To release any screw
7. Punch Used to fit any worn out shaft
8. Lock To open the clip of bearing
9. Hack saw To cut any metallic thing
10. Outside To measure outside dia
11. Inside To measure inside dia
12. Slide caliperse To measure very small dia
13. Vernier scale To measure very small dia
14. Chain ton To lift heavy load
15. Welding machine To join metallic
16. Grinding machine To make the smooth fabrics
17. Tester To test electric circuit
18. Pliers To grip anything & cut anything
19. Avometer/Voltameter To measure voltage
20. Steel To measure length, width & height
21. Chisel To cut any metal
22. Gasket cutter For gasket cutting
23. File To smooth the rough surface


Flow Chart of Maintenance :

Problem Occurred 



Production Officer

Maintenance Officer 



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