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Denim Wet Process | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash

Denim Wet Process | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash

Zahirul Islam BUTEX
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Zahirul Islam BUTEX

Founder , Admin & Author at Textile Study Center
Student of Bangladesh University of Textiles ( Dept. Apparel Engineering )
Zahirul Islam BUTEX
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Zahirul Islam BUTEX
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Denim Wet Process | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash

Denim Wet Process

After coming from the dry process section , Wet process like rinse , enzyme , bleach etc washes are applied on the raw garment to get the desired outlook. In this process the garment goes through several chemical process to remove impurites in different manufacturing process, bring new outlook , make it soft and make ready for the buyer.

Bleach Wash :

The wash which is done to cut more color and bring light shade on denim garments is called bleach wash.This wash is followed by enzyme wash first. For bleaching , hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ), Chlorine based and non chlorine based bleaches are used. Sometimes bleach activator is used to activate the bleach. High power bleach called japani bleach ( Synclore ) and low power bleach KCI is used in R R washing for indigo dyed denim according to the design. For sulphur dyed denim fabric , Semi bleach is done by mixing hydrogen peroxide ( 2 g/L ) and caustic soda ( 1 g/L ). The exposure time changes the shade of the garment .Long time exposer brings light shade.

Denim Wet Process | Normal or Rinse Wash | Enzyme Wash | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash or Random wash | Textile Study Center |
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The process sequence of bleach is given below :

Process Sequence of Bleach Wash 

Step 01: Desizing 

Water is added ( Let, M:L = 1:60 )

Loading garments 

Machine started running 

Caustic Soda added ( let, 20 g/L )

Antibackstainer added ( .5 g/L )

Pumice Stone added if needed ( Let , 5 Kg)

Steam to raise temp 60°C 

Process time 10 minutes 

Drop liquor 

Rinse 2X


Step 02: Enzyme Wash 

Water is added ( Let, M:L = 1:60 )

Machine started running 

Neutral Enzyme added ( let, 3 g/L )

Antibackstainer added ( .5 g/L )

Pumice Stone added  ( Let , 10 Kg)

Steam to raise temp 50°C 

Process time 40 minutes 

Drop liquor 

Step 03: Bleaching 

Water is added ( Let, M:L = 1:60 )

Machine started running 

Bleach ( Cl based – liquid ) ( let , 15 ml/L ) 

Soda Ash added ( let , 1 g/L )

raise temp 60°C 

Process time 10 minutes 

Drop liquor 

Step 04: Neutral Wash 

Water is added ( Let, M:L = 1:60 )

Machine started running 

Sodium meta bysulphate ( 1 g/L )

Steam to raise temp 45°C 

Process time 10 minutes 

Drop liquor

Remove pumice Stone

Rinse 2X




Acid wash / Random wash

At present times, the most popular denim garments are random washed among the fashionable people. When solid washed the fading, effects are even and uniform in the garments but when random washed effects are uneven.

Denim Wet Process | Normal or Rinse Wash | Enzyme Wash | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash or Random wash | Textile Study Center |
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Process Sequence of Acid/Random Wash : 

Step 01: Desizing 

Water is added ( Let, M:L = 1:60 )

Loading garments 

Machine started running 

Desizing chemicals added ( let, 2 g/L )

Antibackstainer added ( .5 g/L )

Pumice Stone added if needed ( Let , 5 Kg)

Steam to raise temp 60°C 

Process time 10 minutes 

Drop liquor 

Rinse 2X

Step 02: Enzyme Wash 

Water is added ( Let, M:L = 1:60 )

Machine started running 

Neutral Enzyme added ( let, 3 g/L )

Antibackstainer added ( .5 g/L )

Pumice Stone added  ( Let , 10 Kg)

Steam to raise temp 50°C 

Process time 40 minutes 

Drop liquor 

Hydro-extraction ( 3 mins ) not dry

Step 03: Acid / Random Wash

Hydro-extracted garments loading

Spread out treated stones in the machine

Dry tumble for 4-5 mins

Check effect ( if ok )


Overall bleach if needed ( 4 min , 50oc )



Hydro extraction


Quality Check & Delivery

Dip Wash or Dip dyeing : 

In garments dyeing, dip dyeing is becoming more popular day by day as the fashion trend and customer demand. Due to cheap and easy process it is as popular to the manufacturers. It is also as called gradient dyeing. It is the process, the fully-fashioned garments are arranged to dip into a dye bath (vessel, bucket, bowl etc.) accordingly a predetermined area or height. This process runs again and again. According to demand, garments are to be soaked into dye bath up to a certain limit for enough time. To dye up the garment as deeper shade to light shade from bottom to top the gradient time will be maintained for certain area of the garment.


Denim Wet Process | Normal or Rinse Wash | Enzyme Wash | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash or Random wash | Textile Study Center |
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Zahirul Islam BUTEX
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Zahirul Islam BUTEX

Founder , Admin & Author at Textile Study Center
Student of Bangladesh University of Textiles ( Dept. Apparel Engineering )
Zahirul Islam BUTEX
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Zahirul Islam BUTEX
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Denim Wet Process | Normal or Rinse Wash | Enzyme Wash | Bleach Wash | Acid Wash or Random wash | Textile Study Center |
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