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Determination of Moisture Regain and Moisture Content by Reynold & Branson Rapid Regain Tester


Determination of Moisture Regain and Moisture Content by Reynold & Branson Rapid Regain Tester


The amount of moisture in a sample of material may be expressed in terms of regain is moisture regain.


Moisture regain is defined as the wt. of water in a material expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight.

Moisture content is the wt. of water in a material expressed as a percentage of the total weight.


  1. ovens dry wt.=D
  2. Weight of water=W
  3. Moisture regain=R
  4. Moisture content=C
  5. Moisture regain ,R =W/DX100%
  6. Moisture content ,C= W/(W+D)X100%


  1. Reynolds & Branson rapid regain tester
  2. Container
  3. Balance
  4. Weight


5 gms of cotton yarn

Condition of testing atmosphere:

The r.h. was  % and the temperature was 0C in our laboratory while testing. But the standard atmosphere for the tropical country is( 65+2)% r.h. and ( 27+2)0C temperature.


  1. At first 5 gms of cotton is measured
  2. Of container with stopper is taken
  3. Then we put the sample of cotton yarn on the container and take its water.
  4. This container with cotton was pushed into the drying unit.
  5. Then cap is removed and a perforated cap to prevent loss of material and to allow the passage of lot air at thermostatic range replaces the other.
  6. After the temperature was raised , we take its wt. This process is to be done again and again until we get a constant wt. Of container with cotton. When we get a constant wt. We stop our work.
  7. Subtracting the wt. of container and stopper wt. from this constant wt. we get the oven dry wt. of the cotton and using the formula, we can calculate the moisture regain and moisture content.

Experimental data:

Sample no. Sample wt. w gms Oven dry wt. D gm Mean of oven dry wt. D gm Wt. of moisture

W gm

Mean wt. of moisture w gm MR% MC%





  1. Wt. of container=65.5 gms
  2. Wt. of container +sample=70.5 gms
  3. Wt of container +hot sample=70 gms
  4. Wt of hot sample/ oven dry wt.=(70-65.5) gms=4.5 gms
  5. Wt. of water= (5-4.5)gms=0.5 gms
  6. M.R. =(5-4.5) /4.5 X100%=
  7. M.C.=(5-4.5) /5 X100%=

Result :

  1. Moisture regain =
  2. Moisture content=


  1. The wt. of the sample should be taken very carefully so that the wt. of the sample is 5 gm.
  2. The wt. of the container should be measured very carefully .

Conclusion :

We have to cap immediately after the sample with container was taken out from the unit. As our laboratory is not under standard temp . ( 27 + 2 ) oC for tropical country and  relative humidity (65 + 2 ) % , So our obtained result may differ from the actual result.


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