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  3. Dyeing Of Cotton Fabric With Pigments In A Padding Mangle

Dyeing Of Cotton Fabric With Pigments In A Padding Mangle


Dyeing Of Cotton Fabric With Pigments In A Padding Mangle

Theoretical knowledge:

The Padding Mangle is perhaps the most familiar & most universal of all Textile dyeing and finishing machiney. Basically it appears to be quite a simple machine. performing  its task of removing the excess liquid from the fabric in a simple way.but behind this apparent simplicity, there is such a tangle of variable that their collective quantitative assessment becomes difficult. The  viscosity of the liquid is also important. The effect of viscocity is involved in the compressional behaviour of the fabric-liquid system.Asimple padding mangle consists of two squeezing bowls (rolls)the upper one of iron and covered with rubber& the lower one of brass or vulcantile. The pressure on the bowls is obtained by compound levers and weights. They are fixed on textile materials with the help of a binding agent in form of a thin invisible coating.

The reaction involved is as below:-

Binder – CH2 – OR + HO – textile Binder – O – textile + HOR ;   where, R is H or CH.

Machine required:

  1. Padding Mangle;


  1. Manufacturer: JOHN JEFEREYS LTD, Rochdale-Banbury.
  2. Squeezing pressure: 0-54 kg
  3. Speed scale: 0-75 m/min
  1. Electric balance,
  2. Drying machine.

Utilities required:

  1. Water
  2. Electricity – to power the balance and dryer

Process sequence : 

Fabric Preparation

Padding the fabric in pigment dispersion in a padder.

Drying (90-100°C)

Steamed ( For cross linking between fabric &film)(Cotton 160C°,at PH -5 for 3min )

Padding Recipe:

Pigments 4 g/L
 Thickner(natural) 7% 100g/L
Binder 20 g/lit
Levelling agent 1 g/lit
Acetic acid (pH=5) 1-2 g/lit
Temperature Room temperature



The dyed fabric is dried at 80-100ºC temperature for 5 minutes.


Curing is done for the fixation of pigments alone with binders. It is done usually at 160°C temperature.

Results obtained:

The pigment dyed fabric has been dried and cured. The dyeing is found excellent also the effect produced is very stunning.


The dyeing is accomplished with good care. The impurities also found in the chemical used. There was not enough no. of electric balance. For the reason of old pigment, we have to suffer much. Anyhow we got required dyed sample by doing several times. Above all the dyed sample found satisfactory. Special thanks to our respected teachers for their helpful attitude

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