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  3. Printing (Solid-color) on polyester fabric with Pigments ( Rotary screen )

Printing (Solid-color) on polyester fabric with Pigments ( Rotary screen )


Printing (Solid-color) on polyester fabric with Pigments ( Rotary screen )


Printing means localized application of Dyes or other color producing substance according to design outlines. Now a days polyester fabric use frequently and for printing pigments are very popular. Pigments have very high color yield and fastness properties. They do not need any after treatment, so this is economical.

Raw materials:

  1. Polyester fabric
  2. Pigments
  3. Binders
  4. Fixers
  5. Chemicals

Machine arrangement:

  1. Rotary screen
  2. Magnetic Rod
  3. Drying arrangement
  4. Flat bed

Process Sequence:

Fabric Pre-treated



Curing(=5 at 150-C for 3-4 min)


  1. Pigments: 30gm
  2. Binder: 600gm
  3. Fixer: 10 ml
  4. Acid/CCOOH: 10 ml
  5. Water (if necessary):   X gm
  6. Total =            1000gm


  1. Pigments, Binders, Fixers, acid, fastness improver, all are taken in a pot and then mix them well by stirred to get required viscosity.
  2. For two color of the design we prepared two color pigments pastes differently.
  3. Then pre treated polyester fabric is spread out on the flat bed and by means of gum it is attached to the bed.
  4. The paste is poured on the rotary screen and magnetic rod is inserted into the screen.
  5. Then by the help of electric mover the rod is moved along with the screen.
  6. The impression is done on the polyester fabric then the fabric is taken away and then dried and cured


For a comprehensive good printing with the pigments on the polyester fabric is depend on the amount of viscosity achieved by the print paste. So right amount of binder, fixer and chemicals should be added. The mesh count of screen should be perfect.


These experiment is very interesting and important also. By these experiment we have to know how solid- color Rotary screen pigment printing is done which will helps us in our practical life. We are very grateful to our respected teacher Prof. Dr. Md. Zulhash Uddin Sir for his kind guideline to do these experiment.

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