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Maintenance Schedule Of Kier Boiler  Machine And Route Of Utilities Applied For Technical Operations


Maintenance Schedule Of Kier Boiler  Machine And Route Of Utilities Applied For Technical Operations


  1. To observe the machine.
  2. To learn about the controlling points.
  3. To know about the mechanism.
  4. Overall maintenance of tank.

Main parts:-

  1. Water supply pipe,
  2. Handle,
  3. Mixing tank,
  4. Gauge glass,
  5. Steam pipe,
  6. Lid,
  7. Solution outlet pipe,
  8. Check valve,
  9. Inlet outlet pipe,
  10. Round spray pipe,
  11. False bottom,
  12. Multi-tubuler heater.

Maintaining points:-

  1. Temperature control:- Here for scouring 130-150C temperature is obtained. So, we have to control the temperature properly. Here gauge glass is used for indicating temperature.
  2. Check valve:- Different check valve should be proper maintained, so that if they defective or leakage then greater problem might occur.
  3. Check of pipes:- If the pipes are rusty and leakage then proper flow will not obtained. So, we have to maintain them properly.
  4. False bottom:- The false bottom should be proper perforated otherwise it will creat more hamper in case of proper scouring.
  5. Steam pipe:- We have to maintain proper steam supply by the steam pipe. So, steam pipe will not leakage.
  6. Water pipe:- We have to maintain proper flow of water in pipe. So, it will not be rusty or leakage.
  7. Multi-tubuler heater:- Proper maintenance of multitubuler heater should be done by this, the heating purpose is perfectly done. We have to look at the temperature also.
  8. Inlet and outlet pipe:- Inlet and outlet pipe should have to clean for proper flow of different solution. That’s why we have to maintain them.


  1. Heat,
  2. Water,
  3. Steam,
  4. Electricity

Maintenance schedule:


Sl no.


Name of the maintenance work


Time interval




Steam pressure regulator checking


Every hour




Cleaning of the mixing tank


Every batch unloaded




Checking the spray pipe






Checking the motor and electric connection






Greasing and oiling in roller bearings and gears






Cleaning the steam inlet and outlet pipe






Checking the flow of water


Every hour




Checking the efficiency of heater






Checking the inlet and outlet valves





By this experiment we know about this Kier Boiler, its maintenance points & operating system. This knowledge will help in our future life.

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