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Study on Line Balancing for Polo Shirt


Study on Line Balancing for Polo Shirt.

Line balancing: Line balancing is the process of assigning tasks to work station so that work  station have approximately equal time requirement


  1. To know about the sequence of operation to make a polo shirt.
  2. To know about the machine layout  to make a polo shirt.
  3. To know about the man power required to make a polo shirt.
  4. To know about the SMV to make a polo shirt.


SL No Operation Sequence M/C Layout/Manpower Typical       SMV Manpower required
1 Placket position mark Helper 0.35 1
2 Placket fusing Iron man 0.39 1
3 Both placket joint with body part Lock Stitch m/c(LS) 0.98 3
4 Placket nose tack LS 0.46 2
5 Placket raw edge cut LS 0.3 1
6 Lower & upper placket close LS 0.35 1
7 Placket Box LS 0.4 1
8 Body Match Helper 0.3 1
9 Shoulder joint with piping Overlock m/c(OL) 0.44 2
10 Shoulder top stitch Flatlock m/c(FL) 0.45 2
11 Collar mark Helper 0.35 1
12 Collar joint OL 0.9 3
13 Neck piping FL 0.44 2
14 Neck top stitch LS 0.4 1
15 Main Label join LS 0.39 1
16 Sleeve match Helper 0.3 1
17 Sleeve joint OL 0.9 3
18 Thread cut Helper 0.25 1
19 Bottom Hem FL 0.35 2
20 Care label joint LS 0.37 1
21 Side Seam OL 0.89 3
22 Side slip tape measure Helper 0.33 1
23 Side slip tape attach LS 0.62 3
24 Side slip top stitch LS 0.68 2
25 Slit security tack LS 0.25 1
26 Button attach &hole mark Helper 0.3 1
27 Button hole Buttton holing m/c 0.25 1
28 Button attach Button attach m/c 0.31 1
      Total=12.95 Total=44



  1. SMV = ( Basic Time + Allowance )/60
  2. Basic Time = Observed time * Rating of worker
  3. Rating = Skill + Effort + Concentration ( Average rating varies in between 60-75 % ).
  4. Line Target=Actual min/SMV

                    =(Working hrs*Manpower*Efficiency*Absent)/SMV


                      =981.795 Pcs/hr

Conclusion: By this experiment we have learnt about the sequence of operation , machine layout, manpower requirement and SMV to make a polo shirt which is very helpful in our future job life.



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