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Zig-zag and Herringbone Twill Weave

Zig-zag and Herringbone Twill Weave

Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj
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Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj

Co-founder , Admin & Author at Textile Study Center
Student of Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) Department: Apparel Engineering
Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj
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Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj
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Zig-zag and Herringbone Twill Weave

Zig-zag or Pointed or Wavy Twill Weave

Zigzag twill are those in which the direction of twill is frequently reversed at suitable intervals either across the width or along the length. So it is the cobination of S and  Z twill. Wavy twills are normally made on point drafts. According to reversing of twill direction, two types of zig-zag twill is formed.

       Horizontal zig-zag twill

       Vertical zig-zag twill

Features of Horizontal Zig-zag:

 Basic twill runs along warp.

 The twill direction reverses upon the warp after the basic twill.

 The no. of warp yarn is double to the no. of warp yarn of basic twill and the no. of weft yarn is same as basic twill weave.

 The change direction starts when finished basic twill repeat and makes point in the moment of change.

 Pointed draft is used to make zig-zag twill.

 This can be made from any continuous twill.

Horizontal Zig-zag Twill 7x7
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Horizontal Zig-zag Twill 8X8
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Features of Vertical Zig-zag:

 Basic twill runs along weft.

 The twill direction reverses upon the weft after the basic twill.

 The no. of weft yarn is double to the no. of weft yarn of basic twill and the no. of warp yarn is same as basic twill weave.

 The change direction starts when finished basic twill repeat and makes point in the moment of change.

 Straight draft is used to make zig-zag twill.

 This can be made from any continuous twill.


Uses: ornamented design, curtain, various house hold items.

Vertical Zig-zag Twill 7X7
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Vertical Zig-zag Twill 8X8
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Herringbone Twill

Herringbone twill are those in which the direction of twill is frequently reversed at suitable intervals either across the width or along the length but not as zig-zag twill and weft yarns floating condition is reversed of the previous yarn. So it is the cobination of S and  Z twill. According to reversing of twill direction, two types of herringbone twill is formed.

        Horizontal herringbone twill

        Vertical herringbone twill

Features of Horizontal Herringbone Twill:

 Basic twill runs along warp.

 The twill direction reverses upon the warp yarn after the basic twill.

 The no. of warp yarn is double to the no. of warp yarn of basic twill and the no. of weft yarn is same as basic twill weave.

 Straight or broken draft is used to make zig-zag twill.

 This can be made from any type of regular basic twill weave.

 The horizontal stripe effect is produced on the surface of the fabric.

Horizontal Herringbone Twill 5X5
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Horizontal Herringbone Twill 6X6
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Features of Vertical Herringbone Twill:

 Basic twill runs along weft.

 The twill direction reverses upon the weft yarn after the basic twill.

 The no. of weft yarn is double to the no. of weft yarn of basic twill and the no. of warp yarn is same as basic twill weave.

 Straight draft is website used to make zig-zag twill.

 This can be made from any type of regular basic twill weave.

 The vertical stripe effect is produced on the surface of the fabric.

Uses: Coats, Suits and ornamented fabrics.

Vertical Zig-zag Twill 7X7
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Vertical Zig-zag Twill 8X8
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Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj
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Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj

Co-founder , Admin & Author at Textile Study Center
Student of Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) Department: Apparel Engineering
Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj
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Md Sohanur Rahman Sobuj
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