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Float Stitch and it’s Formation Process

Float Stitch and it’s Formation Process

Emdad Sarker
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Assistant Professor at Bangladesh University of Textiles Past : Studied Fabric Engineering at Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX)- 07
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Float Stitch and it’s Formation Process

 Float/Missed Stitch

 Features of float stitch

A float stitch or welt stitch is composed of a held loop, one or more float loops and knitted loops.

It is produced when a needle (M) holding its old loop fails to receive the new yarn that passes, as a float loop to the back of the needle.

The float stitch shows the missed yarn floating freely on the reverse side of the held loop.

The float extends from the base of one knitted or tucked loop to the next, and is notated by an empty square.

The held loop extends into the courses above until a knitted loop is indicated in that wale.

A single float stitch has the appearance of a U-shape on the reverse of the stitch.

Float stitch fabrics are narrower than equivalent all-knit fabrics.

As the wales are drawn closer together by the floats, thus reducing width-wise elasticity and improving fabric stability.

The maximum number of successive floats on one needle is four.

Six adjacent needles are usually the maximum number for a continuous float.

A floating thread is useful for hiding an unwanted colored yarn behind the face loop of a selected color.

The miss stitch can occur accidentally as a fault due to incorrectly set yarn feeders.

 Float Stitch Formation Process


 Effect of float stitches

Float stitches make the fabric thinner than the tuck stitched one, as there is no yarn accumulation.

It makes the fabric narrower as there is no looped configuration and hence the whole structure is pulled to minimum width.

Less extensible than either knitted or tucked structure.

Fabric is lighter in weight due to minimum yarn used in construction.

Fabric is flimsy and less rigid compared to others.


Emdad Sarker
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Assistant Professor at Bangladesh University of Textiles Past : Studied Fabric Engineering at Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX)- 07
Emdad Sarker
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