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Books on Fibre / Yarn / Spinning / Testing
- A Practical Guide to Fibre Science Preview
- A Practical Guide to Quality Management in Spinning Preview
- A Practical Guide to Textile Testing Preview
- A Technical Handbook on Bituminized Jute Paving Fabric Preview
- Advanced Fiber Spinning Technology Preview
- Advances in Filament Yarn Spinning of Textiles and Polymers Preview
- Advances in Silk Science and Technology Preview
- Advances in Wool Technology Preview
- Advances in Yarn Spinning Technology Preview
- Bast and Other Plant Fibres Preview
- Biodegradable and Sustainable Fibres Preview
- Cotton Fiber Chemistry and Technology Preview
- Cotton Science and Technology Preview
- Engineering techniques of ring spinning Preview
- False twist textured yarns_ Principles, process and applications Preview
- Fancy Yarns Their Manufacture and Application Preview
- Fatigue Failure of Textile Fibres Preview
- Fibre Structure Preview
- Friction in Textile Materials Preview
- Fundamentals of Fiber Science Preview
- Fundamentals of yarn winding Preview
- Handbook of fibre rope technology Preview
- Handbook of natural fibres_ Types, properties and factors affecting breeding and cultivation (vol:1) Preview
- Handbook of natural fibres_ Processing and applications (Volume 2) Preview
- Handbook of Textile Fibre Structure (Volume 1) Preview
- Handbook of Textile Fibre Structure (Volume 2) Preview
- Handbook of Textile Fibres. Volume 1 Natural Fibres Preview
- Handbook of Textile Fibres. Volume 2 Man-Made Fibres Preview
- Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control Preview
- Handbook on cotton spinning industry Preview
- Handbook of Worsted Wool and Blended Preview
- Handbook of Yarn Production Technology, science and economics Preview
- Identification of Textile Fibers Preview
- Mechanics of fiber and textile reinforced cement composites Preview
- Modern Approach to Maintenance in Spinning Preview
- Physical Properties of Textile Fibres Preview
- Physical Testing of Textiles Preview
- Polyesters and polyamides Preview
- Polyolefin Fibres Industrial and Medical Applications Preview
- Process control and yarn quality in spinning Preview
- Process Management in Spinning Preview
- Reference Book of Textile Technology_Man Made Fibers Preview
- Reference Book of Textile Technology_Spinning Preview
- Regenerated_Cellulose_Fibres Preview
- Role of yarn tension in weaving Preview
- Smart composite coating and membranes Preview
- Silk, Mohair, Cashmere and Other luxury fibres Preview
- Silk, Processing, Properties and Applications Preview
- Specialist Yarn and Fabric Structures-Developments and Applications Preview
- Synthetic fibres_ Nylon, polyester, acrylic, polyolefin Preview
- Technical Textiles Yarns Industrial and medical applications Preview
- Textile mechanisms in spinning and weaving machines Preview
- Textile Spinning, Weaving and Desizing Preview
- The chemistry of textile fibres Preview
- Wool Science and Technology Preview
- Woollen and Worsted Woven Fabric Design Preview
- Yarn Technology Preview
- Yarn Texturing Technology Preview
Books on Fabric / Knitting / Weaving / Non-woven
- Advances in Knitting Technology Preview
- Advances in Technical Nonwovens Preview
- Advances in Woven Fabrics Technologies Preview
- Analysis of Woven Fabrics Preview
- Applications of Nonwovens in Technical textile Preview
- Braided structures and composites_production, properties, mechanics, and technical applications Preview
- Braiding technology for textiles Preview
- Circular Knitting Preview
- Composite nonwoven materials_ Structure, properties and applications Preview
- Composites Forming Technologies Preview
- Effect of mechanical and physical properties on fabric hand Preview
- Fabric dyer’s dictionary Preview
- Fabric Structure and Design Preview
- Fabric Testing Preview
- Fabric Structures in Architecture Preview
- Fundamentals and Advances in Knitting Technology Preview
- Geosystems_ Design Rules and Applications Preview
- Handbook of Advances in Braided Composite Materials_ Theory, Product Preview
- Handbook of textile design_Principles, processes and practice Preview
- Handbook of nonwovens Preview
- Handbook of Weaving Preview
- Industrial practices in weaving preparatory Preview
- Industrial practices in weaving preparatory Preview
- Innovative jacquard textile design using digital technologies Preview
- Interior Textiles Design and Development Preview
- Knitting Technology Preview
- Mechanisms of flat weaving technology Preview
- Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in textile Preview
- Nonwoven fabrics Preview
- Performance of Home Textiles Preview
- Principles of Fabric Formation Preview
- Reference Book of Textile Technology Knitting Preview
- Reference Book of Textile Technology Nonwovens Preview
- Reference Book of Textile Technology Weaving Preview
- Specialist Yarn and Fabric Structurs-Developments and Applications Preview
- Structure and Mechanics of Woven Fabrics Preview
- Textile Design-Principles, advances and applications Preview
- Textile mechanisms in spinning and weaving machines Preview
- Textile Spinning, Weaving and Desizing Preview
- Visual Texture on Fabric Create Stunning Art Cloth with Water Preview
- Watson’s Advanced Textile Design. Compound Woven Structures Preview
- Watson’s Textile Design and Colour_ Elementary Weaves and Figured Fabrics Preview
- Weaving Preparation Technology Preview
- Weaving_Conversion_of_Yarn to fabric Preview
- Woollen and Worsted Woven Fabric Design Preview
- Woven fabric structure design and product planning Preview
- Woven Terry Fabrics_ Manufacturing and Quality Management Preview
- Woven Textile Structure_ Theory and Applications Preview
- Woven Textile Structure_Theory and Applications Preview
- Woven textiles_ Principles, technologies and applications Preview
- Wowen fabric Engineering Preview
Books on Wet Processing / Dyeing / Finishing / Printing
- Advances in the dyeing and finishing of technical textiles
- Advances in Treating Textile
- Basic Principles of Textile Coloration
- Characterization and Treatment of Textile Wastewater
- Chemical finishing of textiles
- Chemical_Testing_of_Textiles
- Chemistry of the Textiles Industry
- Coated_and_Laminated_Textiles-
- Colour Design Theories and Applications
- Colour measurement Principles, advances,and industrial applications
- Colour_Management_in_Textiles
- Digital_Printing_of_Textiles
- Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres
- Environmental_Aspects_of_Textile_Dyeing
- Experiments in Textile and Fibre Chemistry
- Functional finishes for textiles _ improving comfort, performance and protection
- Fundamentals and Practices in Colouration of Textiles
- Handbook of Detergents__Part D-Formulation
- Handbook of natural dyes and pigments
- Handbook_of_Textile_and_Industrial
- Handbook_of_Textile_and_Industrial
- Ink Jet Textile Printing
- Natural Dyes
- Physico-chemical Aspects of Textile Coloration
- Principles of colour and appearance measurement_ Object appearance, colour perception and instrumental measurement. Volume 1
- Principles of Colour and Appearance Measurement_ Volume 2_ Visual Measurement of Colour, Colour Comparison and Management
- Reference Book of Textile Technology _Finishing
- Simulation and Control of the Dyeing Process-
- Simulation in textile technology_ Theory and applications
- Textile Application of the Color Sensitivity of Dye Mixtures
- Textile dyes
- Textile Fibers, Dyes, Finishes and Process_A Concise Guide
- Textile finishing chemicals an Industrial Guide
- Textile Printing
- Textile Wastewater Treatment
- Textile_dyes
- Textile_Processing with Enzyme
- Textiles and environment
Books on Apparel / Garments Production / Industrial Engineering / Sewing / Merchandizing / Washing / Garments Dyeing
- Advances in apparel production
- Advances in Women’s Intimate Apparel Technology
- Anthropometry, apparel sizing and design
- Apparel Manufacturing Technology
- Carr and Latham’s Technology of Clothing Manufacture
- Clothing Appearance and Fit Science and Technology
- Clothing Biosensory Engineering
- Clothing for Children and Teenagers. Anthropometry, Sizing and Fit
- Computer Technology for Textiles and Apparel
- Denim_ Manufacture, Finishing and Applications
- Design of clothing manufacturing processes_ A systematic approach to planning, scheduling and control
- Designing apparel for consumers _ the impact of body shape and size
- Dress Behind Bars_ Prison Clothing as Criminality
- Engineering apparel fabrics and garments
- Ergonomics in the garment industry
- ERP for Textiles and Apparel Industry
- Garment Manufacturing Technology
- Handbook of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Textiles and Clothing
- Handbook of Sustainable Apparel Production
- How to Use, Adapt, and Design Sewing Patterns
- Improving Comfort in Clothing Engineering
- Industrial cutting of textile materials
- Industrial engineering in apparel production
- Information Systems for the Fashion and Apparel Industry
- Innovation and technology of women’s intimate apparel
- Introduction to nonwovens technology
- Joining Textiles Principles and Applications
- Making Sweatshops_ The Globalization of the U.S. Apparel Industry
- Management of Technology Systems in the Garment Industry
- Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear
- Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear
- Pattern cutting for clothing using CAD_ How to use Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software
- Product safety and restricted substance in apparel
- Quality Characterisation of Apparel
- Retail Product Management_Buying and Merchandising
- Science in Clothing Comfort
- Scientific Protocols for Forensic Examination of Clothing
- Sizing in Clothing- Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready‐to‐wear Clothing
- Solutions to problems in the textile and garment industry
- Statistics for textiles and apparel management
- Strategic management in garment industry
- Surface_Modification_of_Textiles
- Sustainable Apparel Production_processing and recycling
- The Apparel Industry
- The dirty side of the garment industry _ fast fashion and its negative impact on environment and society
- Virtual Clothing_ Theory and Practice
- Visual Merchandising_ Windows and in-store displays for retail
- Zara and her Sisters_The Story of the World’s Largest Clothing Retailer
Books on Fashion Design / Visual Merchandizing / Product Development
- Basics Fashion Design 02 Textiles and Fashion
- Career in Textile and Fashion Designing
- Clothing & Fashion
- Clothing_Fashion,Fabrics and Construction
- Fashion Designing and Sewing Technology
- Fashion Merchandising
- Fashion Retail Supply Chain Management_ A Systems Optimization Approach
- Fashion Supply Chain Management
- Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies-
- Figure Drawing for Fashion Design
- Information Systems for the Fashion and Apparel Industry-
- Patternmaking for Fashion Design
- Sewing for Fashion Designers
Books on Textile Management / Quality Control
- Effective Implementation of Quality Management Systems
- Humidification and Ventilation Management in Textile Industry
- Lean Six Sigma for Engineers and Managers_ With Applied Case Studies
- Management of Technology Systems in the Garment Industry
- Quality Characterisation of Apparel
- Solutions to problems in the textile and garment industry
- Strategic management in garment industry
- Textile Processes_ Quality Control and Design of Experiments
- The Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control
- The fundamentals of quality assurance in the textile industry
- Work quality management in the textile industry
All in One
- 3-D Fibrous Assemblies_ Properties, Applications and Modelling of Three-Dimensional Textile Structures
- A Novel Green Treatment for Textiles_ Plasma Treatment as a Sustainable Technology
- Coated Textiles_Principles and Applications
- Denim_ Manufacture, Finishing and Applications-
- Dictionary of Textile Finishing. Deutsch_englisch, English_german
- Engineering Textiles-Integrating the design and manufacture of textile products
- Environmental Impact of Textiles. Production, Processes and Protection
- Handbook of Sustainable Textile Production
- Handbook of Worsted Wool and Blended Suiting Process
- Know all about clothing Technology
- Mechanics and calculations of textile machinery
- Modern Textile Technology
- Process control in textile manufacturing
- Surface Characteristics of Fibers and Textiles
- Sustainable Textiles_ Life Cycle and Environmental Impact
- Textile Engineering
- Textile Mathematics_Part I
- Textile Sizing-
- Textile_Mathematics_Part II
- Textiles for Industrial Applications
- Textiles_ Types, Uses and Production Methods
- Textiles_and_Fashion
- The World Trade Organization and International Denim Trading
- The_China_and_Hong_Kong denim industry
- Training and Development of Technical Staff in the Textile Industry
- Training_and_development of technical staff in textile industry-
- Tufted Carpet_Textile Fibers, Dyes, Finishes and Processes
Advanced Textile Books
- Advanced fibrous composite materials for ballistic protection
- Absorbent_Technology
- Activated Carbon Fiber and Textiles
- Advanced fibrous composite materials for ballistic protection
- Advanced Textiles for Wound Care
- Advances in 3D textiles
- Advances in Carpet Manufacture
- Advances in Fire Retardant Materials
- Advances in military textiles and personal equipment
- Advances in Polymer Coated Textiles
- Advances in shape memory polymers
- Advances in smart medical textiles
- Advances in Textile Biotechnology-
- Advances in textile engineering
- Analytical Electrochemistry in Textiles
- Antimicrobial Textiles
- Apparel machinery and equipments
- Biofunctional Textiles and the Skin
- Biologically Inspired Textiles
- Biomechanical Engineering of Textiles and Clothing
- Biomedical Textiles for Orthopaedic and Surgical Applications
- Bioprocessing of Textiles
- Biotextiles as medical implants
- Chemical Protective Clothing
- Design and Manufacture of Textile Composites
- Development of Nanotechnology in Textiles
- Ecotextiles_
- Electronic Textiles_ Smart Fabrics and Wearable Technology
- Electronics and Computing in Textiles
- Electronics in textiles and clothing _ design, products and applications
- Electrospinning of Nanofibers in Textiles
- Electrospun Nanofibers
- Engineering textiles _ research methodologies, concepts, and modern applications
- Fibrous and composite materials for civil engineering applications
- Functional nanofibers and their applications
- Functional Textiles for Improved Performance, Protection and Health
- Geotextiles_ From Design to Applications
- Global Denim
- Handbook of fire resistant textiles
- Handbook of Medical Textiles
- Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 1 _ Technical Textile Processes
- Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 2_Technical Textile Applications
- Handbook of Tensile Properties of Textile and Technical Fibres
- High performance textiles and their applications-
- Materials and technology for sportswear and performance apparel
- Materials in Sports Equipment- Volume 1
- Materials in Sports Equipment Volume 2
- Medical and heaithcare textiles-
- Medical Textile Materials
- Medical textiles and biomaterials for healthcare
- Medical_Textiles
- Military_Textiles
- Modelling and Predicting Textile Behaviour
- Modern textile characterization methods
- Multidisciplinary know-how for smart textiles developers
- Multiscale materials modelling
- Nanostructured polymer blends and composites in textiles
- New millennium fibers
- New Product Development in Textiles_ Innovation and Production
- Novel Fire Retardant Polymers and Composite Materials
- Smart bandage technologies_ design and application
- Smart Clothing_Technology and Applications
- Smart Textiles and their Applications
- Smart Textiles for Designers_ Inventing the Future of Fabrics
- Smart textiles for protection-
- Smart_Clothes_and_Wearable-
- Smart_Fibres,_Fabrics_and_Clothing
- Smart_Textile_Coatings_and_Laminates
- Smart_Textiles_for_Medicine_an healthcare
- Soft Computing in Textile Engineering
- Structure and Properties of High-Performance Fibers
- Textile advances in the automotive industry
- Textile-led Design for the Active Ageing Population
- Textiles and human thermophysiological comfort in the indoor environment
- Textiles for Sportswear-
- Textiles in automotive engineering-
- Textiles, polymers and composites for buildings
- Textiles_for_Cold_Weather_Apparel
- Textiles_for_Hygiene_and_Infection control
- Textiles_for_Protection
- Textiles_in_Sport
- The global textile and clothing industry_ Technological advances and future challenges
- Theory of Structure and Mechanics of Fibrous Assemblies
- Thermal Protective Clothing for Firefighters
- Thermal_and_moisture_transport
- Understanding and improving the durability of textiles
- Update on Flame Retardant Textiles _ State of the Art, Environmental Issues and Innovative Solutions
- Wearable_electronics_and_photonics
- Woven Composites
Others Book
- Assessing the environmental impact of textiles and the clothing supply chain
- Buildings, Clothing and Art
- ERP_ Tools, Techniques, and Applications for Integrating the Supply Chain
- Fundamentals of designing for textiles and other end uses
- Optimizing decision making in the apparel supply chain using artificial intelligence (AI)_ From production to retail
- Product Design and Factory Development (The Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering, Second Edition) (Volume 1)
- Structure and Mechanics of Textile Fibre Assemblies
- Structure_and_Mechanics_of_Textile_fibre assemblies

Advanced Textile Books Books on Fabric / Knitting / Weaving / Non-woven books on apparel Books on Apparel / Garments Production / Industrial Engineering / Sewing / Merchandizing / Washing / Garments Dyeing books on fabric art books on fabric engineering books on fabric manipulation books on fabric painting books on fabric types books on fabrication Books on Fashion Design / Visual Merchandizing / Product Development books on fiber art books on fiberglass Books on Fibre / Yarn / Spinning / Testing books on germents Books on Textile Management / Quality Control books on textile mills Books on Wet Processing / Dyeing / Finishing / Printing textile book free download textile books free download pdf textile engineering book textile engineering books free download pdf textile engineering degree textile engineering germany textile engineering job textile engineering ncsu textile engineering pdf textile engineering reddit textile engineering salary textile engineering school textile engineering usa