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  3. Study on the Rib Circular Knitting Machine and Knitting Action of Rib Circular Knitting Machine

Study on the Rib Circular Knitting Machine and Knitting Action of Rib Circular Knitting Machine


Study on the Rib Circular Knitting Machine and Knitting Action of Rib Circular Knitting Machine


On a double knitting machine, the needles are “gaited” — the needles in the dial and the cylinder are spaced in relationship to each other. With rib gaiting, the two sets of needles are not directly opposite each other, but are staggered. This means that the needles can be used at the same time. The first rib frame was invented by Jedediah Strutt of Derby in 1755, which used a second set of needles to pick up and knit the sinker loops of the first set. It is now normally knitted with two sets of latch needles. 1 X 1 rib is production of by two sets of needles being alternately set or gated between each other.

Machine parts:

  1. Yarn career
  2. Break stop motion
  3. Yarn guides
  4. Dial
  5. Cylinder
  6. Dial cams
  7. Cylinder cams
  8. Dial needles
  9. Cylinder needles
  10. Oiling and air following devices
  11. Sensors
  12. Take up rollers
  13. Batch rollers
  14. Motor
  15. Belts
  16. Pulleys and gears
  17. Clutches


  1. To know rib circular knitting machine.
  2. To know similarities between these machine.
  3. To know 2-butt cylinder needle optional present here. 2-butt dial neddle used in this machine. 2-cam truck optional but single cam truck used in the cylinder and 2-cam truck used in the dial.
  4. To know this machine are synchronized timing & side creel used in this machine.
  5. To know cylinder & dial are used in this m/c & two set needle used one for cylinder and one for dial.

Description of the Machine:

In a dial cylinder rib machine there is one set of needles on the circumference of the vertical cylinder and another set of needles on a horizontal dial. So two sets of needles remain at the right angle with each other. In dial cylinder machines the dial and cylinder rotates but the cam systems with the feeders remain stationary.

The dial needles get its motion from its butt which is placed on the cam truck. This cam truck is formed by different cam placed on a cam plate.

During the rotation of the cylinder, cylinder needles moves vertically and dial needles moves horizontally. Cylinder needles also get its motion from it. There is a cloth tale up roller which also rotates with unison to dial and cylinder and fabric is wound on it.

Description on yarn to fabric path diagram:

Is the circular knitting m/c ,yarn is supplied from the set of packages which is placed in the creel. When supplying the yarn from the packages tensioner & anti snail device are placed over & in contact with the yarn. The yarns is fed from the feeder to the needles of the needles of the dial & cylinder. In successively, the knitted fabric is produced by the action of needles, cam & sinker. The produced knitted fabric is passed over & in contact with the fabric spreader & fabric withdraw roller. Finally the fabric is wound in the fabric winding roller.

Knitting Action of a Circular Rib Machine :

The knitting action of a circular rib machine is shown in Fig 7.10.

  1. Clearing : The cylinder and dial needles move out to clear the plain and rib loops formed in the previous cycle.
  2. Yarn Feeding : The needles are withdrawn into their tricks so that the old loops are covered by the open latches and the new yarn is fed into the open hooks.
  3. Knocking over : The needles are withdrawn into their tricks so that the old loops are cast off and the new loops are drawn through them.


This experiment has significance in our study life. In this experiment we sketch the yarn path diagram of the machine, show the knitting action, cam system. We point out the various specification of the machine. I think this practical will be very helpful in my future career.


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