Systems of Yarn Count Measurement
Systems of Yarn Count Measurement
Count or yarn count is a numerical expression which indicates the coarseness or fineness of a yarn. In other words, yarn count is a number indicating the mass per unit lengh or the length per unit mass of the yarn.
There are mainly two systems or ways of yarn count measurement, these are :
(a) Indirect System / Fixed weight system
( length per unit mass )
(b) Direct system / Fixed length system
( mass per unit length )
Indirect system of yarn count measurement
The indirect system or fixed weight system is the yarn count system where the count of a yarn is calculated by measuring the length of a fixed / definite mass.
In this system, the count of yarn is the number of length units in one weight unit. So, the count number indicates the length per unit mass of the yarn. That is why, higher the count, finer the yarn. In indirect count system, the mass of yarn is fixed and the length of yarn varies according to its fineness.
This system is widely used for measuring count of cotton yarns.
The following formula is used to calculate yarn count in indirect system :
N = (L × w) / ( l × W)
Where, N = yarn count
L = the length of the sample
w = ” unit of weight ” of the system
W = the weight of the sample
l = ” unit of length ” of the system
Some of the most commonly used indirect systems include :
- English cotton count (Ne) system
- Metric count (Nm) system
- Worsted count (NeK) system
- Woollen count system.
These systems are described below :
English cotton count (Ne) :
In this system, yarn count is defined as the number of hanks of 840 yards per pound.
For example, yarn count 30 Ne means that there are 30 hanks (each hank consisting of 840 yards of yarn) per 1 lb or 1 pound of that yarn (length per mass) . In other words, if a yarn has a count of 30 Ne , it means that 30 hanks (of 840 yards) of that yarn will weigh 1 pound.
Note :
- If (30×840) or, 25200 yards of a yarn weigh 1 pound then the yarn count will be 30 Ne
- Ne count is also expressed with ’s . (e.g. 50’s cotton yarn)
Metric Cotton Count (Nm) :
In Metric cotton count system, yarn count is defined as the number of hanks of 1000 m per 1 kilogram of that yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 Nm means that there are 30 hanks of 1000 m per 1 kilogram (kg) of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 30 Nm means 30 hanks (each hank consisting of 1000m) of that yarn will weigh 1 kg.
Worsted Count (NeK) :
It is defined as the number of hanks of 560 yards per 1 pound of that yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 NeK means that there are 30 hanks of 560 yards per one pound (1 lb) of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 30 NeK means 30 hanks (each hank consisting of 560 yards) of that yarn will weigh 1lb.
Woollen Count :
In this system, yarn count is defined as the number of hanks of 256 yards per pound.
For example, woollen yarn count 30 means that there are 30 hanks (of 256 yards) per 1 lb or 1 pound of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 30 Ne means 30 hanks (each hank consisting of 256 yards) of that yarn will weigh 1 pound.
These indirect yarn count systems can be expressed briefly in the chart below :
Indirect yarn count system
Count System Name | Unit of length | Unit of mass |
English Cotton Count (Ne) | 840 yards | 1 pound / 1 lb |
Metric Count (Nm) | 1000 m / 1 km | 1 kg |
Worsted Count (NeK) | 560 yards | 1 lb |
Woollen Count | 256 yards | 1 lb |
Direct system of yarn count measurement
The direct system or fixed length system is the yarn count system where the count of a yarn is calculated by measuring the mass of a fixed / definite length.
In this system, the count of yarn is the number of weight units per length unit. Here, the count number indicates the mass per unit length. So, higher the count, coarser the yarn. In direct count system, the length of yarn is fixed and the mass of yarn varies according to its fineness.
This system is commonly used for polyester, nylon, silk, acrylic & jute yarn.
The following formula is used to calculate yarn count in direct system :
N = ( l × W) / L
Where, N = yarn count
L = the length of the sample
W = the weight of the sample
l = ” unit of length ” of the system
Some of the most commonly used direct systems include :
Tex, Denier, Pounds per Spyndle, DeciTex (dtex) MilliTex (mtex) KilloTex (ktex)
Tex :
The yarn number or count in Tex system is the weight in grams of 1000 m of yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 Tex means that there are 30 grams of yarn per 1000 m or 1 km of that yarn (mass per length) . In other words, yarn count 30 Tex means 1000 m of that yarn will weigh 30 gm.
Denier :
The yarn number or count in Denier system is the weight in grams of 9000 m of yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 Denier means that there are 30 grams of yarn per 9000 m or 9 km of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 30 Denier means that 9000 m of that yarn will weigh 30 gm.
Pound per Spyndle / Jute count :
The yarn number or count in Pound per Spyndle system is the weight in pounds of 14,400 yards of yarn.
For example, yarn count 20 Pound per Spyndle means that there are 20 lbs of yarn per 14400 m yards of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 20 Pounds per Spyndle means that 14400 m of that yarn will weigh 20 lbs.
deciTex (dTex) :
The yarn number or count in deciTex system is the weight in grams of 10,000 m of yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 deciTex means that there are 30 grams of yarn per 10,000 m or 10 km of that yarn (mass per length). In other words, yarn count 30 dTex means 10,000 m of that yarn will weigh 30 gm.
miliTex (mTex) :
The yarn number or count in miliTex system is the weight in milligrams of 1000 m of yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 miliTex means that there are 30 milligrams of yarn per 1000 m or 1 km of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 30 mTex means that 1000 m of that yarn will weigh 30 milligrams.
kiloTex (kTex) :
The yarn number or count in kiloTex system is the weight in kilograms of 1000 m of yarn.
For example, yarn count 30 kiloTex means that there are 30 kilograms of yarn per 1000 m or 1 km of that yarn. In other words, yarn count 30 kTex means 1000 m of that yarn will weigh 30 kilograms.
These direct yarn count systems can be expressed briefly in the chart below :
Direct yarn count system
Count System Name | Unit of length | Unit of mass |
Tex | 1000 m | No. of grams |
Denier | 9000 m | No. of grams |
Pounds per Spyndle ( Jute, Hemp) |
14,400 yards | No. of lbs |
DeciTex (dTex) | 10,000 m / 10 km | No. of grams |
miliTex (mTex) | 1000 m | No. of miligrams |
KiloTex (kTex) | 1000 m | No. of kilograms |
Systems of Yarn Count Measurement