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Carding Definition

Carding Definition

Tanima Rahman Tanni
Student of Dept. of YME 39th Batch BUTex
Tanima Rahman Tanni

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Carding Definition :

 Carding Definition:

Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing.

Two proverbs of the experts- “Carding is the heart of spinning” and “well carded is half spun” demonstrate the immense significance of carding in the spinning process.

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   In carding, fibers are opened to more or less single fibers. Dust, dirt, neps are removed here. Fiber blending and parallelization are also done here. And sliver  is also formed here. Since all the major functions are performed in carding, it is called the heart of spinning.


1.    fiber individualization

2.    fiber blending

3.    fiber this orientation

4.    elimination of short fibers

5.    elimination of dust

6.    elimination of the impurities

7.    disentangling of neps

8.    sliver formation

Elemination of ( neps , dust , short fibre , impurities ) & does ( blending , individualization , orientation , formation ).


Tanima Rahman Tanni
Student of Dept. of YME 39th Batch BUTex
Tanima Rahman Tanni

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