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Method of polyester dyeing | Polyester Dyeing process

Method of polyester dyeing | Polyester Dyeing process

Fatema Sharmin
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Studying Wet Process Engineering at Bangladesh University of Textiles(BUTEX) | Internship Trainee at Asian Textile Mills Limited | Core Member at Textile Study Center
Fatema Sharmin
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Part 1 : Disperse Dye for Polyester | Why called disperse dye | Application and mechanism 

Part 3 : Auxilaries Of Disperse Dye

  Method of polyester dyeing : 

There are 3 methods of polyester dyeing .they are

  Carrier method

  Pad thermosol method

  High temperature high pressure method


  Polyester Dyeing process

 Carrier method:

This process is used for dyeing polyester/cellulosic fibre fabrics in jigger or winch-beck.

Dye paste with dispersing agent with water

 Raise temp 60*C & add chemicals with materials


 Maintain pH with acetic acid 4.5-5.5

 Raise temp 95*C for 45 min






Paste dye  with dispersing agent

 pH control with acetic acid&  keep it 4.5-5.5


add material at 60*C

 raise temperature at 130 & run the bath for 1 hr


 rinse & wash 


 dry & delivery

  process curve : 

.  pad thermosol method

it is a continuous method of dyeing . in this process 180-220* C temp is needed. Dyeing can be possible within very short time like 1-2 min. it has 4 steps

  1. padding
  2. drying
  3. thermofixing
  4. after treatment


 padded with dye with chemical

dryed in IR dryer

thermosol unit in 180-220 *C for  60-90s

wash to remove unfixed dye


  Thermosol process curve


Part 1 : Disperse Dye for Polyester | Why called disperse dye | Application and mechanism  | Features of of disperse dyes

Part 3 : Auxilaries Of Disperse Dye


Fatema Sharmin
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Studying Wet Process Engineering at Bangladesh University of Textiles(BUTEX) | Internship Trainee at Asian Textile Mills Limited | Core Member at Textile Study Center
Fatema Sharmin
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Method of polyester dyeing | Disperse Dye for Polyester | Why call disperse dye | Application of disperse dyes | Features of of disperse dyes | Chemical Classification of disperse dyes | Chemical composition of of disperse dyes | Mechanism of disperse dyes | dyeing polyester with disperse dye | Method of disperse dyeing | Disperse dyeing process | Disperse dyeing process graph| Chemical reaction of disperse dyes | Comparision between three disperse dyeing process | Comparision between Carrier , HTHP and Thermosol | Textile Study Center |
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