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  5. Carding Action | Part 02
Carding Action | Part 02

Carding Action | Part 02

Md. Omar Faruk
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Student of National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research
Md. Omar Faruk
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Part 01 | Carding Introduction  | |   Part 02 | Carding Action

Part 03 |Card Clothing | Types of card clothing  | | Part 04 | Auto Leveling in Carding

Part 05 | Measuring Devices in Carding  | | Part 06 | Characteristics of Card Sliver

Carding Action | Difference Among Carding Actions

Carding: Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermix fibers s to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing. In this process fibers are opened, parallelized & removes dust, impurities, short fibers to produce continuous strand of sliver. This is achieved by passing the fibers  between differentially moving surfaces covered with card clothing. The word is derived from the Latin “CARDUUS” meaning thistle or teasel, as dried vegetable teasels were first used to comb the raw wool.

Actions in carding machine:

I . Stripping action: when two close surfaces have same wire direction but their speed direction is opposite to each other, then the action between two surfaces is called stripping action. Opening and cleaning of fibers is done by this action.

  1. Action between taker in and cylinder
  2. Wire direction same
  3. Speed direction opposite
  4. Face to back arrangement of wires

II . Carding action: If two closed surfaces have opposite wire direction and their speed direction is also opposite to each other, then the action between two surfaces is known as carding action. Opening to individual fibers and neps removal is done by this action.

  1. Action between cylinder and flat
  2. Wire direction opposite
  3. Speed direction opposite
  4. Face to face arrangement of wires

 III . Doffing action: when two close surfaces have opposite wire direction and their speed direction is also opposite to each other, then the action between two surfaces is known as doffing action. Web formation of fibers is done by this action.

  1. Action between Cylinder and doffer
  2. Wire direction opposite
  3. Speed direction opposite
  4. Face to face arrangement

Difference among carding actions:


Stripping action

Carding action

Doffing action

Action occurs

Taker in & cylinder

Cylinder & flat

Cylinder & Doffer

Wire Direction




Speed Direction




Wire arrangement

Face to back

Face to face

Face to face


Opening & cleaning of fibers

Opening into individual fiber & removing of neps

Web formation

Part 01 | Carding Introduction  | |   Part 02 | Carding Action

Part 03 |Card Clothing | Types of card clothing  | | Part 04 | Auto Leveling in Carding

Part 05 | Measuring Devices in Carding  | | Part 06 | Characteristics of Card Sliver


Md. Omar Faruk
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Student of National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research
Md. Omar Faruk
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Carding | Objectives of Carding | Purposes of Carding | Opening the tufts into individual fiber | Elimination of impurities | Elimination of Dust| Removal of short fiber | Blending of fibers | Fibers orientation | Formation of sliver | Carding is The Heart of Spinning | Different types of carding machine | Roller and clearer card | Stationary flat card | Revolving flat card | Stationary flat carding machine | Revolving flat carding machine | Mono Carding machine | Tandem carding machine | Working principle of carding machine | Parts of carding machine | Material passage diagram of carding machine | Feed roller- taker in zone | Taker in-cylinder zone | Cylinder-Flat zone | Cylinder-doffer zone | Actions in carding machine | Stripping action | Carding action | Doffing action | Difference among carding actions | Card clothing | Selection of card clothing | Types of card clothing | Flexible clothing | Advantages of flexible clothing | Disadvantages of flexible clothing | Metallic clothing | Advantages of metallic card clothing | Disadvantages of metallic card clothing | Semi-rigid clothing | Advantages of semi-rigid clothing | Geometry of card clothing | Auto leveling in Carding | Classification of Auto Leveling | Principle of short term auto leveling | Auto leveling in the in feed | The principle of medium-term auto leveling | The principle of long-term leveling | Measuring Devices in Carding | Active Pneumatic system | Mechanical measuring system | Carding angle | Striping in Carding | Methods of stripping in Carding | Roller stripping in Carding| Dustless stripper in Carding | Vacuum stripper in Carding | Air stripper in Carding | Continuous stripper in Carding | Static stripper in Carding | Grinding in Carding | Intervals between grinding | Grinding Depth in Carding | Methods of grinding in Carding | Traverse wheel grinding | The dead roller or full width roller | Card clothing manufacturers | Card Wire specification | General faults in carding machine | Factors affecting carded clothing | Development in carding machine | Characteristics of card sliver | Textile Study Center |
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