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  5. Card Clothing | Types of card clothing | Part 03
Card Clothing | Types of card clothing | Part 03

Card Clothing | Types of card clothing | Part 03

Md. Omar Faruk
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Student of National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research
Md. Omar Faruk
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Part 01 | Carding Introduction  | |   Part 02 | Carding Action

Part 03 |Card Clothing | Types of card clothing  | | Part 04 | Auto Leveling in Carding

Part 05 | Measuring Devices in Carding  | | Part 06 | Characteristics of Card Sliver

Card Clothing | Types of card clothing | Geometry of card clothing

Card clothing: The pin which is used to cover the surface of carding roller such as taker in, cylinder, doffer and are of fine in diameter, spaced closely and bended in shape is defined as card clothing.

Selection of card clothing:

  1. Type and design of card
  2. Rotation speed of the cylinder
  3. Production rate
  4. Material throughput
  5. Raw material type (natural or man-made fibers)
  6. Fiber characteristics (mainly fineness, length, bulk, dirt content)
  7. Overall quality requirements
  8. Price of the clothing
  9. Service offered by the clothing supplier.

Types of card clothing:

  1. Flexible card clothing
  2. Semi-rigid card clothing
  3. Metallic card clothing

I . Flexible clothing: Flexible clothing have hooks of round or oval wire set into elastic, multi-ply cloth backing. Each hook is bent into a U-shape and is formed with a knee that flexes under bending load and returns to its original position when the load is removed.

Advantages of flexible clothing:

  1. Higher point density so better carding action
  2. Fiber damage is less due to flexible wire point
  3. Only the damaged part of the clothing is needed to be repaired
  4. Exerts desirable force on cotton causing good carding
  5. Less expensive.

Disadvantages of flexible clothing:

  1. Requires textile fabric or rubber as foundation material.
  2. The wires can be loosened
  3. Production less due to stripping
  4. Need regular grinding
  5. Wire and foundation maybe damaged as both wire and foundation are flexible

Fig: Flexible card clothing 

II . Metallic clothing:

These are continuous, self-supporting, square wire structures in which teeth are cut at the smallest possible spacing’s by a process resembling a punching operation.

Advantages of metallic card clothing

  1. Does not require separate foundation material. The metal surface of the machine works as foundation material.
  2. The teeth do not get loose as teeth and foundation both are metallic rigid.
  3. Can choose any carding angle
  4. Does not require regular grinding
  5. Production increases as regular grinding and stripping is not performed.

Disadvantages of metallic card clothing

  1. Fiber damage is more as the wire points are metallic.
  2. Difficult to repair in the mill when a portion of it is worn out
  3. If any part of the wire is damaged, then the total clothing is rewind.
  4. Expensive

Fig: Metallic card clothing 

III . Semi-rigid clothing:  Semi-rigid clothing have wires with square or round cross-sections and sharp points are set in backing which is less elastic than that of flexible clothing. This backing is a multi-ply structure with more plies than the backing of flexible clothing, comprising layers of both cloth and plastics.

Advantages of semi-rigid clothing:

  1. Does not choke with fiber
  2. Eliminate less flat stripping
  3. Does not need sharpening

Fig: Semi rigid card clothing 

Geometry of Card Clothing:

Sl. No







Base width


in mm




Tooth thickness at the root


in mm




Tooth thickness at the tip


in mm




Overall height


in mm




Height of the base


in mm




Depth of the tooth


in mm




Tooth pitch


Spacing between successive tooth points measured with the wire stretched out




Carding angle


Angle between a line normal to the base of the tooth and the leading edge of the tooth, measured with the wire stretched out




Tooth apex angle


Angle between the leading and trailing edges of the tooth


Fig: Geometry of Card Clothing

Part 01 | Carding Introduction  | |   Part 02 | Carding Action

Part 03 |Card Clothing | Types of card clothing  | | Part 04 | Auto Leveling in Carding

Part 05 | Measuring Devices in Carding  | | Part 06 | Characteristics of Card Sliver


Md. Omar Faruk
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Student of National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research
Md. Omar Faruk
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Carding | Objectives of Carding | Purposes of Carding | Opening the tufts into individual fiber | Elimination of impurities | Elimination of Dust| Removal of short fiber | Blending of fibers | Fibers orientation | Formation of sliver | Carding is The Heart of Spinning | Different types of carding machine | Roller and clearer card | Stationary flat card | Revolving flat card | Stationary flat carding machine | Revolving flat carding machine | Mono Carding machine | Tandem carding machine | Working principle of carding machine | Parts of carding machine | Material passage diagram of carding machine | Feed roller- taker in zone | Taker in-cylinder zone | Cylinder-Flat zone | Cylinder-doffer zone | Actions in carding machine | Stripping action | Carding action | Doffing action | Difference among carding actions | Card clothing | Selection of card clothing | Types of card clothing | Flexible clothing | Advantages of flexible clothing | Disadvantages of flexible clothing | Metallic clothing | Advantages of metallic card clothing | Disadvantages of metallic card clothing | Semi-rigid clothing | Advantages of semi-rigid clothing | Geometry of card clothing | Auto leveling in Carding | Classification of Auto Leveling | Principle of short term auto leveling | Auto leveling in the in feed | The principle of medium-term auto leveling | The principle of long-term leveling | Measuring Devices in Carding | Active Pneumatic system | Mechanical measuring system | Carding angle | Striping in Carding | Methods of stripping in Carding | Roller stripping in Carding| Dustless stripper in Carding | Vacuum stripper in Carding | Air stripper in Carding | Continuous stripper in Carding | Static stripper in Carding | Grinding in Carding | Intervals between grinding | Grinding Depth in Carding | Methods of grinding in Carding | Traverse wheel grinding | The dead roller or full width roller | Card clothing manufacturers | Card Wire specification | General faults in carding machine | Factors affecting carded clothing | Development in carding machine | Characteristics of card sliver | Textile Study Center |
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